To Participants

Representatives from the professional community are invited to participate in MSK-2023. This includes industry research institutes, leading construction universities in the country, nonprofit construction associations, major regional developers, manufacturers of construction materials and products, federal and regional executive authorities, as well as young scientists, PhD candidates, and masters students.
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"Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest scientific developments in the field of building structures and materials, unique design methods, and new technical and technological capabilities of the industry. They will learn about current changes in construction regulations, have discussions and ask questions to experts and developers of industry norms, establish new business contacts, and share experiences.

The business program is built around the most relevant issues in the construction field. The scientific program includes key lectures by leading scientists, presentations by specialists, speeches by representatives of executive authorities and experts, roundtable discussions, a scientific-practical conference for young scientists and specialists called 'Building the Future,' and technical excursions.

Participants of the Congress have the opportunity to enhance their qualifications and receive a certificate. For more information, please contact the Training Center of JSC Research Center of Construction.
e-mail:, тел.: +7 (499) 174-73-84.




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