April 24-26, 2024 а




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The INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CONGRESS “Science and Innovation” (MSC-2024) will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation from April 24 to 26, 2024.

The main organizer of the Congress is theJSC Research Center of Construction, which has united under its leadership three major industry research institutes with nearly a century of history: CNIISK named after V.A. Kucherenko, NIIZhB named after A.A. Gvozdev, and NIIOSP named after N.M. Gersevanov.

About the Congress

Within the framework of the Congress, events will be held covering the main topics of the construction industry. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest scientific developments in the field of construction structures and materials, with unique design methods, and new technical and technological capabilities of the industry. Learn about changes in construction regulations, discuss and ask questions to experts and developers of industry standards, establish new business contacts, and share experiences.

The business program is built around the most pressing issues in the field of construction. The scientific program includes key lectures by leading scientists, reports by specialists, presentations by representatives of executive authorities and experts, a plenary session, round tables, a scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists “Building the Future”, technical tours.

The International Construction Congress will take place in Moscow at the Digital Business Space venue (Pokrovka Street, 47).

Representatives of the professional community are invited to participate in MSC-2024::
industry research institutes, leading construction universities of the country, construction non-profit associations, major regional developers, manufacturers of construction materials and products, federal and regional executive authorities, as well as young scientists, postgraduates, and masters.

Moscow, Pokrovka Street, 47
Digital Business Space (DBS)

Scientists across the country are working on solving problems aimed at increasing the reliability, safety, and economic efficiency of construction. The Construction Congress “Science. Innovation. Goals. Construction” is intended to become another important platform that will unite representatives of the government, business, and science for joint work on determining the main vectors of scientific and technological development of the industry.

Openness and readiness for cooperation are the most important factors affecting the success of accomplishing tasks to achieve technological sovereignty of the country’s key economic sectors. The exchange of knowledge and experience only enhances them, allowing for their improved practical application. Therefore, the congress has an international status – foreign scientists and experts in the field of construction will participate in the event.

I am confident that the International Construction Congress “Science. Innovation. Goals. Construction” will gather the best specialists and scientists this spring, with whose help we can solve any, even the most ambitious tasks.

JSC Research Center of Construction represents more than 95 years of research experience and achievements in the field of construction science. We are a team of like-minded individuals capable of implementing the most complex engineering projects.

Our work is the synergy of scientific thought and unique technologies. We constantly replenish our intellectual arsenal, improve our technical base, and are ready to tackle new large-scale challenges.

The congress will be attended by Russian and foreign scientists, practicing engineers, representatives of construction companies, government authorities, and self-regulating organizations. Experts will discuss the latest achievements of global construction science and share their own experience in building specific objects.

I will be glad to see you among the participants of the International Construction Congress “Science. Innovation. Goals. Construction”!

Current topics and top speakers


The program of the event includes sessions and round tables where experts will discuss the latest achievements in global construction science and share their own experience in constructing specific objects.
Day 1
27 july
Day 2
27 july
Day 3
27 july




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